[Evolution] Evo 2.0 wishlist: Tasks, Contacts, Priorities, Notes


Been using Evo since 1.0.8 and now 1.2.4 (waiting a little longer for
1.4) and have made comments about 2.0's UI. So, here my wishlist:

Is there any way to add a field in the Tasks to display and work with
Contacts/names?  I.e. for instance, in sales, you would be contacting a
number of people and have numbers of Tasks to get done, but I can't see
(of haven't seen) a way to tie them together completely.

Is there any way to add "volumes" of notes about Tasks or Contacts? Or
how about a "Notes" box which I can attach notes to anything: Contact,
Tasks, email, etc. When you are in sales, you may have many contacts and
you can't keep track of each individual comment, so having a note to the
Evo team and tracking each note helps in knowing where you are.

Lastly, a Priority system that is configurable beyond the High, Normal,
Low (i.e. A3, B5, or 1, 3, etc)  This frees up some screen real estate.

Why?  My wife uses Act! for her contact management and having this
simple field would help keep track of who she is working with and the
daily notes she takes about each contact..

The larger issue is making Evo more like Act! and Goldmine, but I'd sure
like to see a workaround in 2.0. ;-)  And no, I don't program, I wish I
did, but my talent is in business process analysis.

Thanks for a great product.



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