Re: [Evolution] more useful camel-WARNING ?

none of those warnings are anything to worry about.


On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 11:07, Lloyd D Budd wrote:

I have done a dual upgrade. Gnome Evolution 1.4 looks great! 

MacOS X / Evo v.1.2.4 to Gentoo PPC / Evo v.1.4.0

All of the 'local' folders list none (or a few) of the messages that
they contain.  I received errors regarding most(/all?) of the -summary
files which do exist.

By deleting each folder's summary and index files (why not ;-), it seems
that everything is there. 

Still I would like to track down the other warnings -- at least find out
which folder's file they are referring to.

Is there a env variable or compile option (or patch) to make the
following STDOUT/ERR msgs useful?  Paths with file names to the user
data might be appropriate.  I have each of the following messages
multiple times.

original start:

(evolution:8755): camel-local-provider-WARNING **: Didn't get the next
message where I expected (0) got 2565 instead


after deleting the summaries & indices:

(evolution:8867): camel-WARNING **: Cannot create charset conversion
from X-UNKNOWN to UTF-8: Invalid argument

(evolution:8867): camel-WARNING **: Cannot convert 'X-UNKNOWN' to
'UTF-8', message index may be corrupt

(evolution:8867): widgets-WARNING **: Could not open converter for
'unknown-8bit' to 'UTF-8' charset

(evolution:8867): camel-WARNING **: Could not find key entry for word
'section000240000000000000000': No such file or directory

other "words": '0x00000000' , 'b4547ac2ad0bdc0924181842568fc32' ,

Thank you,

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com
Jeffrey Stedfast
Evolution Hacker - Ximian, Inc.
fejj ximian com  -

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