Re: [Evolution] Printing Problem

We use gnome libraries, so the first place to look would probably be
other gnome applications that print using the same libraries.  e.g.

Another thing you could try is printing to a postscript file and dumping
that to the printer.

On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 02:34, dennis tuchler wrote:
This concerns printing from e-mail caught by Evolution 1.4, operating
under SuSE 8.2.  The printer is a Lexmark Optra E310.  The printer
connection is through CUPS.

When I right click on a piece of e-mail and select "print", I get an
error light on the printer.  When I copy the contents of the message to
Kwrite abd print from there, no problem.

I am sure that there is a setting I am missing.  Would someone help me?


dj tuchler

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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