Re: [Evolution] Calendar chokes on dates before the Unix epoch

seems that Kirk is right as you assumed. Import the attached Mark.ics
file into your calendar and it doesn't work, change the 
and it works.
Just for a quick test. 


On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 16:08, Mark Gordon wrote:
On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 11:03, Kirk Strauser wrote:
At 2003-01-26T23:49:47Z, Kirk Strauser <kirk strauser com> writes:

I imported a lot of dates (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) from my Palm,
only to find many of them clustered on 2001-12-31.  Apparently, the
Calendar component can't deal gracefully with events that take place
before the Unix epoch (1970-01-01).  Is this a known bug, and if so, is it
one with a planned fix?

Am I really the only one with this problem?

I can't get the calendar to go back before the epoch, so I believe you. 
I couldn't find any bugs on the subject when I looked yesterday.

-Mark Gordon

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

Attachment: Mark.ics
Description: Text Data

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