[Evolution] Threaded mail display during delete

I display my email with threading turned on.

When I receive a batch of email and begin reading (and deleting)
messages I've noticed that as I delete mails from a thread the
subsequent messages within the thread jump around in the list to try to
stay within correct date sort.

So, for example, if I have two messages in a thread.  The first arrived
at noon.  The second at one.  They will both be sorted at the noon slot
in the mail list.  Now, as I begin reading the noon message, then delete
that message I then see the one o'clock message in my view window. 
However, that message has not jumped to the bottom of my mail list. 

To continue reading from the oldest messages I need to scroll back up
the list to find the oldest unread message.

Any chance of configuring evo to leave messages where they are once
they've been threaded?  It is very annoying to have to scroll back


 Dave Finnegan                             Applications Engineer
 dave synchronicity com                    Synchronicity, Inc.
 845.986.6121                              www.synchronicity.com

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