Re: [Evolution] IMAP access to exchange server

Right. What they were trying to do was get rid of the need to buy 10,000 more copies of Office 2000 and the machines to run Windows on. They were using Linux for development anyway.

On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 11:09, Christine McLellan wrote:
Ximian Connector does not eliminate the need to pay MS for the Exchange Client Access Licenses (CAL). The CAL is the license for accessing the Exchange account, regardless of the client whether that is Outlook, browser access, or Evolution + Connector.

On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 14:23, Steven R. Ringwald wrote:

Yeah. Tell me about it. A company I once worked for was considering a roll-out of Evolution to replace Outlook on client machines. There were some features that they required that Ximian did not provide. I submitted enhancement requests for each feature that they required that Evo + Connector didn't have. On quite a few, I was told that "patches would be accepted", but they are not going to work on them. The company decided to buy another pack of 10,000 Exchange Client licenses instead.


Steven Ringwald

Asric Consulting

email: asric asric com


Steven Ringwald
Asric Consulting

email: asric asric com

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