[Evolution] evo 1.4.5 snap hanging

So this has been going on for months.

Evo definietly gets in a hung state.

        client evolution-
        Server is IMAP, cyrus-imapd-2.1.15-1
I think it has been happening since 1.4.5

Evo will run fine for a while, then it will stop updating the INBOX.

So much so, it will not clear deleted messages.  I see the line through
them, but they do not go away.  Show deleted message is off.

I am runnign debug.  Here is what I see for the message on a

        sending : A04067 LIST "" INBOX
        received: * LIST (\HasChildren) "." "INBOX"
        received: A04067 OK Completed (0.010 secs 80 calls)
        sending : A04068 LIST "" {7+}
        received: * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Backup"
        received: * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Bew Folder By zot"
        sending : A04071 LIST "" {20+}
        received: * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "."
        received: A04071 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)
        It then checks a POP account (which is new and not effecting
        this it seems).
If I delete a msg, nothing happens in debug

If I pull an unseen msg it works:
        sending : A04077 UID FETCH 105212 BODY.PEEK[1]
        received: * 1234 FETCH (UID 105212 BODY[1] {2354}
        received: )
        received: A04077 OK Completed

For a while this would not work, I would get a blank message pane.  If I
replied it worked, and on reload the message was fine.

Now sometimes, like now, if I cycle view deleted message it goes away
and then the INBOX updates.

I do see this in debug:
        sending : A04078 UID STORE 105212 FLAGS.SILENT (\Seen)
        received: A04078 OK Completed
        sending : A04079 UID STORE 105219 FLAGS.SILENT (\Deleted \Seen)
        received: A04079 OK Completed

More later, I have email to read :)

Zot O'Connor <zot zotconsulting com>
White Knight Hackers, Inc.

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