[Evolution] Re: Evo 1.4.4 does not start after downgrade from evo 1.5

Hi, I've fixed my problem: I had seached by hand with yast for some libs
which are not delivered with SuSE 9.0 (yast makes these pagages with red
for newer or blue for older RPMs than on the CD) and change them with
the SuSE ones. After it evo runs again.

Thanx to guenther for some Tips

Am Di, den 16.12.2003 schrieb cool65 gmx net um 22:20:

after a short look on evo 1.5 I've deinstalled it (and the other needed
progs from this evo-server-dir) and reinstalled evo 1.4.4 (SuSE 9.0prof). 

Also I do this command:
gconftool-2 --set --type=string /apps/evolution/version '1.4.0'

Now, when I try to start evo, I get only these messages:

christoph christoph:~> evolution

** (evolution:3574): WARNING **: Keine Berechtigung locking
(Killing old version of Wombat...)

** (evolution:3574): WARNING **: Extremely strange, strange object
directories (0)registered with the activation context
christoph christoph:~>
And a box comes up:

Auf die Ximian-Evolution-Shell konnte nicht zugegriffen werden. OK

Any suggestions?



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