Re: [Evolution] Viewing messages forwarded as attachment


Sorry about that.  I forgot that threads follow message IDs and not
subject lines.

Thanks for the info.  I could edit the mbox file, though I have a
healthy respect for my ability to mess such things up.


On Mon, 2003-12-15 at 17:41, guenther wrote:
Please, do not hijack unrelated threads. Unless you wanna contribute to
an ongoing discussion, you should click the blue, link-style email
address, rather than replying.

For more info, see:

When I receive a message forwarded as an attachment, Evolution displays
it in-line.  Is there any way to view, print or otherwise manipulate
just the forwarded message?

Nope, unfortunately this is not possible with Evolution AFAIK. I don't
suppose, editing the mbox file isn't an option for you? ;-)

Steven Tryon
stryon rochester rr com
ICQ 102798975

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