[Evolution] evolution 1.5 on fedora

Hi all,

Has anyone had success with evolution 1.5 on fedora?

I've been searching ever since the evo 1.5 announcement for help getting
it installed on fedora.  I first downloaded the source, but couldn't
satisfy the dependencies because I couldn't find updated rpms for some
libraries (for example, libgtkhtml-3.1).  I decided not to compile all
the libs from source, because then I would have an rpm version and a
tar.gz version installed at the same time, which makes other things go
bad.  Then I tried an rpm for evolution from someones repository:
http://people.ecsc.co.uk/~matt/downloads/rpms/evolution/1.5.0/RPMS/ but
that had dependencies they didn't provide...

I've also been looking for answers to red-carpet on fedora, but it seems
the only answer I can find is "we plan to support it at some stage, but
can't say when"... it may even not be till XD3 and gnome 2.6...

Is there any way ahead?  Can I compile all dependancies from source but
not actually install them?

Many Thanks,
Iain Buchanan <iain pcorp nospam com au>

A CONS is an object which cares.
                -- Bernie Greenberg.

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