Re: [Evolution] Feature request: Making GPG signatures not look like attachments?

I'm not referencing inline PGP. This is directly related to the proper,
RFC standard. Agreed, it's doing its normal behavior, but it'd be cool
to have this exception. Do S/MIME certificates come as attachments? I
know this is forthcoming in the 2.0 series, but if so, I don't think
everyone will want to see that as an attachment for all email.

On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 15:52, Ted Anderson wrote:
On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 22:33, Greg Macek wrote:
This may sound like a strange request and may not be possible, but I'll
ask. I have a bit of mail that has GPG signature on them, but no other
"regular" attachments
(Let's see if I can beat guenther to this one)

A search for "PGP inline" on shows 52
matches. The gist is that Evolution is doing what's right (ie, following
standards) by including the sig as a MIME attachment while most other
MUAs stick to the old way of PGP inline. I believe it's already been
entered as a bug request in bugzilla.
Greg Macek | Senior IT Manager
Marketing Resources, Inc.

it-guy mrichi com |

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