[Evolution] Error while performing operation mail from response error: Requested

Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 22:42:37 -0400
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I configured Ximian Evolution to send outgoing mail via my ISP's out
going mail smtp relay (outgoing.verizon.net) and received a dialog box
containing the following error msg

Error while performing operation mail from response error: Requested
action not taken: mailbox name not allowed

I receive this error message no matter who the recipient is including
myself. However, if I use the same configuration on other mail clients
such as MS Outlook I don't have this problem. When using Sendmail I
don't receive any dialog boxes or error msgs, nevertheless, the maillogs
indicate that mail has not been sent. I Configured Smart-Relay and can
only send to a select few recipients while the other ones are being
bounced, my guess is name resolution and/or blacklist. At any rate I really
Ximian Evolution and would like to convert to it from MS Outlook but the
preceeding error
seems to be a stumbling block.

When receiving mail on the other hand, I don't experience any problems,
mail is flawlessly downloaded from pop server, just need help with
sending via smtp relay. Any assistance at all would be greatly

TIA, Robert

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