[Evolution] Calendar performance

Evolution 1.2, RH 7.3

I'm having trouble with the calendar component getting stuck, or taking
a long time, when refreshing the screen after changing the displayed
timeframe (month view, scrolling to the next week or two).  It says
"Searching..." in the status bar and never paints the appointment
information on the screen.

Possibly related to this is the fact that whenever I do a calendar
operation (add an appointment, or "Open in New Window" the calendar) I
get all of the pop-up reminders displayed again for the appointments
from the past few days.

My calendar.ics file is about 1.6MB, so I don't know whether that is
considered a big file or not.  I would really like to find (or write) a
utility that would go in an prune old entries out of the file to make it
smaller and hopefully help the performance.  If anyone knows of such a
utility, please let me know.


Bob Haddleton
bobh lucent com

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