[Evolution] Spell Checker - 1.2.0

In the previous version of Evolution, I liked the way the spellchecking
was turned on automatically such that if I made a spelling mistake while
typing, the word would be marked with a red underline.

This feature seems to be missing in 1.2.0, and I can't seem to turn it
on.  In fct, when I make a spelling mistake, and then click on
'Spellcheck Document', I get a message that no errors were found.  

If anyone noticed, I just spelled 'fact' wrong in the above paragraph,
and it was not caught by the spellchecker - so I'm thinking that the
spellchecker is actually broken, and not even doing anything.

If it's useful, I'm using Redhat 8.0 - and the previous version of
Evolution under 8.0 worked great with the error marking.  


Ian Scott <ian pairowoodies com>

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