[Evolution] Kerberos in Evolution 1.2


        I did one of my regular Debian (unstable) updates today, and 
among other things it upgraded Evolution from 1.08 to 1.2.
Unfortunately, the one feature I actually care about the most is broken: namely 
Kerberos support.  Evolution has (or at least had) excellent kerberos 
support built right in so I never had to resort to using an external 
program like fetchmial or something similar.  I would fetch my tickets with a standard Kerberos 
implementation and then evolution would handle the rest.
        However now it doesn't work.  The option of using Kerberos 
authentication is still there, and I get my ticket with kinit as always, 
but Evolution just doesn't care.  It still asks me for a plain text password when I check my mail!  Note that 
this isn't the kind of behavior I would experience before if I didn't have a ticket or the ticket expired, 
etc.  Previously if I didn't have a ticket it was smart enough to tell me as much.  But now, 
despite the fact that Kerberos authentication is still selected, the 
program is behaving as if it was expecting a regular old plain text 
password; it's ignoring the Kerberos stuff entirely.  Furthermore, since I use the kerberos tickets for more 
than just checking email I know that at least the Kerberos side of things is still working.  It's just 
evolution that seems to be the problem.  Since my university requires Kerberos for checking our email 
accounts (and that's primarly what I've been using Evolution for), the program has effectively become useless 
to me.
        So what can I do to fix this?  Thanks.

Dave Kettler
davek sdf lonestar org
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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