Re: [Evolution] Filter Settings

On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 12:08, Denny Schierz wrote:

i want to filter Log Mails. I become from many Servers every hour a log
mails. This Mails contains normal two Word criterions. First "Possible"
and second "Unusual". I want this:

Mails FROM $SERVER, IF contains "possible" then move to mail/$SERVER
else /dev/null

can i do this? with evo? (not procmail or something else) 

Yes, check the user manual, or just open the filter window, its fairly

You will probably have to create 2 rules:

  mail   from   server
  body   contains  possible
  move to folder mail/server

and then another rule which follows that one in the filter list:

  mail from server

big thanks

(evo 1.08)

There is no such version as 1.08.

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