[Evolution] accept certificate every time?

 I just enabled secure SMTP in the latest evolution(it is in the
headers;). Every time I send a message I am prompted to accept the
certificate of the remote smtp server. Is thier a way to change this
behavior and have it accpet the cert for x years?

+ Douglas Calvert  <dfc anize org>  http://anize.org/dfc +
|    Key Id 0xC9541FB2  http://anize.org/dfc-keys.asc    |
|   http://imissjerry.org   http://whoownsthisidea.org   |
+-| 0817 30D4 82B6 BB8D 5E66  06F6 B796 073D C954 1FB2 |-+

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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