[Evolution] devel snapshot

FYI if anybody is thinking of switching to the devel snapshot, you need
to get gtkhtml1.1 from the evo devel snapshot channel, or you won't be
able to open the composer to send e-mail.

However, if you just try to install gtkhtml1.1 it will "conflict" with
the regular gtkhtml, but you can't just remove gtkhtml because several
other packages depend on it.  How I dealt with it was to

cd /var/cache/redcarpet/packages
rpm -e --nodeps gtkhtml
rpm -Uvh gtkhtml1.1-1.1.1-snap.ximian.200205031001.i386.rpm

Before I figured out the gtkhtml thing, I tried to revert back to the
regular evo snapshot, but I found that none of my folders were displayed
in the Folders box on the left, it was just completely blank.

"Jonathan F. Dill" (dill umbi umd edu)
UMBI CARB IT Coordinator
Experimental Support Site http://concept.umbi.umd.edu

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