Re: [Evolution] system freeze

Maybe this is your problem?

On Fri, 2002-05-10 at 06:24, martin wrote:
Hi Xav,

thank you for your mail! Yes, this is a "clean install", no nasty things
And, No!, the system does not freeze when compiling a new kernel, the
file size
remains the same, when i run this "sig 11" -test-script.

Again: greetings from the sunny sweden!


Am Fre, 2002-05-10 um 10.32 schrieb Xavier Bestel:
Le ven 10/05/2002 à 09:49, martin a écrit :

I am new to "evolution" and this list, but i have a serious problem, i guess.

Whenever i start to compose a mail in "kmail" or "evolution" when i am online or the modules 
(card-drivers, etc) are loaded happens this: the system freezes. Strange, but this happens every time, 
sooner or later crashes all. Am i not online and have all modules unloaded, so crashes nothing?!

The same when listening to .mp3 -files.

This happened with Mandrake 8.x, SuSE 7.3, 8.0 and ISDN-DialUp (former) and ADSL (actual). I use the 
distro-kernels (standard) on a K6 II with 500Mhz and 256MB RAM. 

I think it must have to do with the networking part, this is quite obvious, isn'nt it?
Are you sure it happens  with a "clean install" ? If this is the case,
and you tried with several distros, then it's unlikely a software
problem. You perhaps have a defective hardware (it happens more often
that you would believe), i.e. bad RAM or bad CPU. Does it freeze or
crash when running application which challenge the system (e.g.
compiling a new kernel ?) - see for a
possible explanation.


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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