Re: [Evolution] IMAP4 - Evolution and First Class server - crashes

Although as Jeff says, the Inbox MUST be called inbox, otherwise its not
an IMAP server, but i guess it should still be possible to make most
things work more or less with evolution.

But if its just crashing, well, it sounds like junk and evolution is
going to have a hard time making it work.

On Sat, 2002-05-04 at 01:26, Martin Skjöldebrand wrote:
As Centrinity hasn't been able to present a First Class client for over
a year I thought I'd try running IMAP on our First Class server at work.
Bad idea. Evo and FC hates each other.
(AND it's friday) ...

Apparently Evo doesn't like that the default mailbox on the FC server is
called Mailbox rather than Inbox. (It puts up an error message about
which I clicked away - it is friday, didn't I say that). 

Then, after having read the mailbox a couple of times Evo connections
through IMAP seems to hang the Internet Services of FC (not the regular
mail server, just the internet gateway).

Has anyone managed to get Evo to talk to FC? We are running First Class
6.123 on a Apple G4 Mac OS 9 (to be upgraded to Mac OS X when FC is
released for that version). The Internet Service is for some historic
reason running on a PIII 500 Siemens box with NT 4 sp 6a. (Don't laugh

So, basically -does Evo talk IMAP to FC? Anyone managed to make it work?


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