Re: [Evolution] Error while "Fetching mail"

port 995 is reserved for secure POP.  If you selected 'Use SSL' for POP
retrieval, it will use this port instaed of the standard POP port.

I've seen this error too, but am not sure what it is or why it occurs. 
The 'Operation now in progress' confuses me.  Does it mean, it didn't
work, but now it's in progress?  Or it didn't work, but it was already
in progress?


On Sat, 2002-03-16 at 06:59, Ole Morten Fureli wrote:
_Often_ getting this error when sending /receving mail:

Error while "Fetching mail":
Could not connect to (port 995):
Operation now in progress

(Lately there have been problems with this server, but) I find the error
a bit strange - why _port_995_?


Ole Morten

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

Rob <rob_at_euglug_dot_net>
my @euglugCode = qw(v+++ e--- eug+ bsd+++ gnu+ S+++);

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