Re: [Evolution] Evolution conflicts with Mozilla 0.99 on RH

Yeah, it's because Ximian and RH package them differently, this is,
actually, the first release with nss and nspr separated in the
Mozilla/RH packages, so rather than getting conflicts with mozilla-psm
and mozilla proper (as was the case with older releases) you get them
with mozilla-nss and mozilla-nspr, I've found that just forcing them
works (but it's never pleasant) the other alternative is to recompile
the src RPM after editing the .spec file and adding the appropriate
"Obsoletes" lines.


On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 17:44, Steven Ellis wrote:

Anyone else had an RPM conflict installing Mozilla
0.99 on RedHat when you already have Evolution 1.02

It appears that libnss3-0.9.8-1.ximian.4 conflicts
with mozilla-nss-0.9.9-0 and I had to force the RPM


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