[Evolution] Re: [Users] Re: Howto access Cyrus shared folders in Evolution

On Čt, 2002-06-27 at 13:56, Simon Matter wrote:
Pavel Lisy schrieb:

I use Evolution mail client and now I want access folders shared for
more users

for ex.
In Evolution I use account to user.pali on imap.server.cz
and I want read user.noviny folder too.

localhost.localdomain> lam user.noviny
noviny lrswipcda
anyone lr
pali lrswipcda
group:users lr

When I connect to imap server in Mozilla mail I may view it
automatically, but in Evolution I did't found way howto solve it.

There is an option usually like 'show only subscribed folders'. I'm sure
Evo has something like that and you have to enable it. Otherwise there's
a place where you can subscribe folders.

I know this but it is not working in this case.


Pavel Lisy <pali tmapy cz>
T-MAPY spol. s r.o., http://www.tmapy.cz
Nezvalova 850, Hradec Kralove, 50003
tel: +420-49-5513335 fax: +420-49-5513371

O mapach vime vse: http://www.tmapserver.cz

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