Re: [Evolution] Filter Questions

On Sat, 2002-07-27 at 21:25, Jeff Bearer wrote:
I have a few questions about filters.  First off can somebody explain
how the regex filter is supposed to work  I've tried several things and
I can't get it to work.  Just a simple example of what it expects to see
in the text box would be great does it need m/.../ or just the
expression, etc.  I've been trying PCRE's so if it's posix re's then
I'll have to look up the differences.

It uses the POSIX regex lib that is included in glibc.

(man 7 regex)

Also what does the expression filter expect to see as opposed to the
regular expression filter?

The Expression filter expects the scheme-like filter language that
Evolution uses. For examples, you cn take a look at

Second, is there any filter functionality that is implemented in the XML
file that the UI doesn't have yet?  For example I'd like an action to
set status as un-read, it's not in the pull down in the UI, but maybe if
I tweak the xml file evolution would know what to do?  I'm only asking
that because with mozilla there always seem to be several features that
there aren't UI yet, that have been implemented in the config file.

I don't think you can tweak the xml file to add support for this
particular thing (although you can certainly add more functionality by
adding/changing the xml file).

The xml file mostly just contains the basics, you can do more complex
stuff using the Expression language which isn't really documented (yet -
mostly because it changes slightly now and again).

If you want, feel free to add a request to be able to unset a flag
(which is what you want), we currently only support setting a flag.


Jeffrey Stedfast
Evolution Hacker - Ximian, Inc.
fejj ximian com  -

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