[Evolution] Issues with evolution-devel from evolution-stable

I switched over to evolution-devel today, but there are a few things
that I have noticed and am finding a little strange.
What I am interested in is whether or not these issues are bugs,
configurable features or now removed.

1) N no longer seems to work as go to Next message
2) There appears to be no setup screen for the summary (though I love
the new preferences dialog)
3) Autocompletion doesn't seem to be working, although I can view my
contact list (and use the To: button). Contacts is set as an
Autocomplete folder.
4) The inbox icon is icky and pixelated (is that word in the same
catagory as virii?)

Also, how would I get a different dictionary from American English, I
realise it's not to do with Gnome-spell. Is there a certain
ispell/aspell package I need? (I'm after english-au)


linux.conf.au Perth 2003 <http://www.linux.conf.au>

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