[Evolution] How to actually delete messages from POP3 server with 'keep on server' on?


How to actually delete messages from POP3 server with 'keep on server'

I use evolution 1.0.2 and cant found this nessesary thing! How to
syncronize remote POP3 box and local one after local deletion to
actually remove messages from remote box?

I share mail box with several places and connection. So, I use 2
desktops and notebook. My ISP supports POP3 only w/o IMAP. I cant
retrieve mail with deletion from mailbox cause I should read that mail
on other place. But when I delete a message it must be removed from POP3
mailbox TOO! I didnt see it. May be I do something wrong? Or its a

M$ Outlook Express support this feature easy and by default with 'keep
on server' option on. :-\

Sergei Keler
sergei keler net
Sergei Keler
sergei keler net

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