Re: [Evolution] BUG: trash/any_message -> "apply filter" == delete trash/


Yes. I noticed and posted this not too long ago, too, but got no

If I have some deleted messages in my inbox and I select all (ctrl-a)
and apply filters (ctrl-y), not only do the filters get applied, but the
folder is expunged, which is not what I want to have happen in most

evo 1.0.2, RH7.1 everything fullly updated through red-carpet. I have it
set with deleted messages visible.


On Sun, 2002-02-10 at 10:25, Matthias Hentges wrote:
Hi there!

Im using Evolution 1.0.1 which i compiled from source.

If I change into the trash folder, select a message and use "apply
(or somthing like that. I use the german translation with evo. I mean
the menu-item which just lets you apply all filters to the selected
mail), the filters are not applied but all messages in trash/ are

Kinda annoying bug since i tend to keep all deleted files for some time
(ie. a year or so).
Thanks god i had recent backup of Evolution/ :-)


Matthias Hentges

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