[Evolution] Virtual Folder Doesn't work?

I'm trying to set up a virtual folder where I can keep track of all Email to and from a certain individual. I set the rules to be 'sender contains xx' and 'recipients contains xx', and said to execute the action if any criteria are met.

All I get in the folder are messages 'from' this person, nothing I've sent him. The source is 'all local folders'. I'm using POP exclusively. Evolution 1.2.1 on SuSE 8.1

On a hunch, I added my 'sent' folder to the list of folders to search (even tho' I already said 'all local folders') and then all the expected messages showed up.

So, it seems that 'all local folders' automatically excluded 'sent'. Does this seem right? What other folders do vfolders ignore?


Jean Neron <jneron cansyswest com>

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