Re: [Evolution] 1.2 and PGP

On Mon, 2002-12-02 at 14:13, Don Petrowski wrote:
I have servers sending me inline encrypted log files.  Is there someway
to have procmail/formail add the headers to the messages for it to work
with as MIME headers.

I spent an hour or so searching around for some procmail recipe to do
this.  You can go the other way (I think), but not from inline to MIME.

So I started writing a perl script to do it for me -- take an RFC822
message as STDIN, and if there's an inline signature/encryption, spit
the same message back out as MIME.

Then I asked myself: Do I really care that much?  And the answer was
no.  The few times that I actually care to verify a signature, I can
just copy and paste the line onto a command-line and verify it that way.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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