[Evolution] question about a bug/RFE in bugzila

Hello All,

before I added another RFE in bugzilla, I searched and found an existing
RFE for adding a button to report spam to SpamCop.  Which I currently do
through SquirrelMail, and it works well.  This is the one option that is
hindering me using Evolution exclusively for Mail/PIM.  Right now, I have
to use Evolution and SquirrelMail.

REF:  http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=23110

Reading that page, I am not sure if there is work being done on it or not.
 From what I can guesstimate it is not being worked on.

Can someone give me a status on this (or other similar things)?


Reverend Scott Boss                   email  : scott sboss net
janitor                               website: http://www.sboss.com
sdn website family
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GEEK: (geek) N. You can type 70 words per minute but can't read
                your own handwriting

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