Re: [Evolution] Spam Blocking :: Bayesian Filtering

On Fri, 2002-08-16 at 13:28, Timothy H. Keitt wrote:
The essential ingredient is to have a "mark as spam" button readily
available so that one can train a classifier (employing whatever method
one chooses). I guess it would help to have a "mark as false positive"
button as well, or perhaps make it a toggle.

I don't see it happening in evo, although I'd like to get at this kind
of feature.

It wouldn't be hard to add if evo let one apply a single filter to a
selection of messages. Filters can invoke an external script, so you
could define two scripts to add the messages to the selected
spam/nonspam corpus.

AFAIK, evo only allows one to apply the entire filter list to the
message list selection.

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