Re: [Evolution] Determining the account used for sending mail

On Tue, 2002-07-30 at 18:34, Dan Winship wrote:

People don't write email saying "Dammit! Why can't you make evolution
work exactly the way it already does?! How the @#$!@ am I supposed to
used this thing when it does precisely what I want it to?!" It's
possible that there were thousands of people happy with the old behavior
and just a handful who wanted it the new way.

"Me Too". I know it's the lamest thing to say but it's true that people
who find that the software fits their needs are much less vocal than the
ones who don't.

The problem is that you're not only adding a new functionality for the
people who are not satisfied with the current behaviour, but you are
killing the functionality for all the others. For example, the new
"scheme" would really not working for me and would put a toll on my
daily usage of Evo. Please don't do it.

As a lot of other people, I have a bunch of aliases all ending up in one
POP mailbox, and identity set on the base of the To: has never failed
for me (except for some mailing lists, but we all know that).

Can one of those I-don't-like-the-1.0.x-way people out there explain
what was wrong with it for them? The 1.0.x way sounds like it makes a
lot more sense to me...

"Me Too"...

Alessio F. Bragadini            alessio albourne com
APL Financial Services
Nicosia, Cyprus                 phone: +357-22-755750

"It is more complicated than you think"
                -- The Eighth Networking Truth from RFC 1925

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