Re: [Evolution] Palm Data Sharing

On Wed, 2001-09-26 at 16:58, ///o-o\\\ wrote:
hmmm.... does anyone know if there is anyway to do something like this? this
would really help.

You can use the pilot-xfer command line tool to extract a single pdb or
you can do a backup and everything will get dumped to a dir.

| On Wed, 2001-09-26 at 10:16, ///o-o\\\ wrote:
| > howdy,
| > i would like to share the palm pilot data from the computer i sync on,
| > another. where are the database files (*.pdb) that evolution uses
| > specifically stored after syncing?
| We only store the records that change locally, not the *.pdb file.

JP Rosevear                             jpr ximian com
Ximian Inc.                   

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