Re: [Evolution] 22 Process, and load of 2.72......

Evolution is a multithreaded application, so the fact that 22 threads
are open isn't that concerning. Probably your "Summary" page tried to
load all of your folders at once (adding 1 thread per get-folder
operation) and once threads are open they aren't closed because they are
pooled and can thus be reused later.

The load average can probably also be explained by the "opening a ton of
folders all at the same time". Obviously this takes a toll on the

Fortunately this has been optimized a bit in a couple different ways

1. the Summary no longer asks for all available mail folders when
displaying mail summary info, instead it only asks for the folders which
you have specifically asked it to show the details of.

2. the mailer code now limits the max number of threads to 12 or so.


On Thu, 2001-09-20 at 23:11, Zot O'Connor wrote:
1) Are all 22 processes supposed to be running while evolution is
2)  How can I not line wrap?

18357 pts/0    S      0:07 evolution
18378 ?        S      0:26 evolution-mail
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolut18388 ?        S      0:00
evolution-calendar --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Ev18397 ?       
S      0:00 evolution-addressbook --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME18408
?        S      0:07 evolution-executive-summary
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID18418 ?        S      0:00 evolution-mail
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolut18419 ?        S      0:49
evolution-mail --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolut18424 ?       
S      0:03 evolution-mail --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolut18479
?        S      0:00 evolution-executive-summary
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID18480 ?        S      0:00
evolution-executive-summary --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID18481 ?       
S      0:00 evolution-executive-summary --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID18482
?        S      0:00 evolution-executive-summary
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID18483 ?        S      0:00
evolution-executive-summary --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID18484 ?       
S      0:00 evolution-executive-summary --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID18485
?        S      0:00 evolution-executive-summary
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID18486 ?        S      0:00
evolution-executive-summary --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID29723 ?       
S      0:02 evolution-mail --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolut 1397
?        S      0:00 evolution-executive-summary
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID 1398 ?        S      0:00
evolution-executive-summary --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID 1399 ?       
S      0:00 evolution-executive-summary --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID10303
?        S      0:00 evolution-mail

Zot O'Connor

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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