[Evolution] to be usable

I finally decide to use evolution, but when I try to switch to it I've
got a few problems. until now I use netscape 4.x since it's able to 
use our ldap server as the company addressbook and has roaming client.
what I use. rh 7.2 with ximian gnome (everything from Ximian GNOME Desktop
and Evolution Snapshot) current verion:

problems with evolution:
- I'm not able to import my netscape addressbook! without this feature
  no one with switch to evo from netscape. I try to export to ldif my
  addressbook, but I've got a few "Importer not ready. Wait 5 seconds."
  or sometime after the first try seems to import it but the contact
  list is empty, sometimes the importer die (crash). if it helps you
  I can send my ldif file.
- I'm not able to import my mail filters from netscape. I've got dozens
  of filter and don't would like to rebuild.
- it'd be usefule some feature like netscape roaming! the best would be
  to use the same romaing server like netscape use (on our apache
  roaming server). I've to use my mailer form different places at work
  and I'd like to use the same settings from home. IMHO it won't be
  to difficult to upload the setting (may be the addressbook and
  the calendar also) to a server. we are live in a networked world
  it would have to be normal.
- I'm not able to use or ldap server as addressbook. I can add it to 
  the "other contacts", but even in this search some of the people
  are found athers are not! we've already look into the ldap database
  but can't find any differencies between those who are found and
  those who are not. BUT the worst thing is that those who are found
  in the search not find when I wrote a mail and would like to use
  evo. like netscape (just type the first few letters and let the mailer
  to find the proper email address or give me a list of choice). It's
  a realy important feature! I don't would like to type and remember
  all address. no one looking for this feature?
- why put a "--" before my signature? the signature in my signature file
  is my full signature and I don't would like to add an extra line with
  2 dash!
- I use imap server to keep my mails. why don't use the imap servers
  for draft and sent mails. ok I can set it in the settings but it'd
  be more natural defaults.

another thing at the summary just the local mail folders can be inserted,
but all of my mails are on our imap server so what I'd like to see a 
summary of the imap server's inbox (or other folders).
I don't would like to send html mails so I don't need the html formating
menu, but I can't remove it. it can be added to the view menu.
in the new messages window the editor automaticaly break lines. it'd be 
better so set in the settings where (eg at 80 chars) break lines.
In the To: field it's a nightmare that I can't see the addresses. I've to
separate with come the recipients and can't see the line when I add more
than I always have to search through the line "whether he is already in
the list?". just look at the netscape solution. it's much simper and clear.
everybody has a line and every line can be a to, cc or bcc. IMHO it's
more user friendly. even pine can break/sparate line between different

these are all just to be easier to use, but for most user it can be _real_

so IMHO it's very hard and painful to switch to evolution from any other
mailer eg netscape (I don't know but I suppose from outlook it's more
difficult). there are many nice probaly useful feature in evo. but the
most important to help people to switch to evo. from other mailer. this
means addressbook, mailbox, filter and maybe other settings importer.

just my 2c.

 -- Levente                        http://petition.eurolinux.org/index_html
 "The only thing worse than not knowing the truth is
  ruining the bliss of ignorance."

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