Re: [Evolution] Evolution LDAP authentification

Evolution does do authentication based on DNs, but the current
doesn't rely on the user typing in the DN (which most users would
not remember)... So, we query on the email address they supply and
the DN for the matching entry, and authenticate based on that.  The
scheme that netscape uses (and I think OE, but I'm not completely

OE actually uses the DN to find the matching entry for authentication.

There have been enough complaints from people that don't want to (or
can't) enable anonymous read access on their ldap servers and/or
want to
authenticate vs. entries that don't have email addresses though,
I'm thinking we'll need a way to allow the user to specify the raw
DN if
they need to.

It would be helpful to have two modes of operation: the "regular user"
mode where they type in their email address for authentication, and
the "advanced user" mode which expects the raw DN.

I have actually been able to configure my LDAP server with limited
anonymous read access (only some of the fields in the authentication
record are publicly readable).  Of course this works only if there are
just a handful of users that have authenticated access.  Here is the
relevant portion of my slapd.conf:

# Allow access to the Manager record only to the Manager
access to dn="cn=Manager,dc=chawathe,dc=com"
by self write
by * none

# Allow everyone to read enough fields of the authentication record(s)
# to initiate the authentication process
# Many email/LDAP clients perform authentication based on the value of
# "mail" entry in the authentication record. That's why they need read
# access to some of the entries in the record
access to dn="cn=Yatin Chawathe,dc=chawathe,dc=com"
by self write
by * read

# Everyone needs auth permission for the record(s) as well
# This allows enough permission to verify
# the client's password
access to dn="cn=Yatin Chawathe,dc=chawathe,dc=com"
by self write
by * auth

# Evo needs permission to read this to access the schema
access to dn="cn=Subschema"
by self write
by * read

# The default access permissions
access to *
by dn="cn=Manager,dc=chawathe,dc=com" write
by dn="cn=Yatin Chawathe,dc=chawathe,dc=com" write
by * none

Hope this helps,


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