Re: [Evolution] How do I enable spellchecking in Evolution?

On Wed, 2001-11-14 at 13:30, Chris Cooper wrote:
Spell-checking works fine. The package you need is called "gnome-spell",

Thanks for all the replies!

I had gnome-spell installed, but it was an earlier version (0.1-7) that
came with my distro (Mandrake 8.1).  Updating to the ximian version
(0.4) fixed the problem, now spiel-cheking works fine!  Well, it appears
to work anyway, and gives me a false sense of security.  (It thinks
there are "no misspelled word found" in this message.  Hmm, I've never
seen the word "glbrftpswq" in a dictionary before ;o/ ).

Brett Johnson <brett_johnson hp com>
     -  i  n  v  e  n  t  -

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