Re: [Evolution] still no palm syncing?

On Wed, 2001-11-14 at 13:53, John Sturgeon wrote:
I'm still not able to sync with my palm:

gpilotd: relocation error: gpilotd: undefined symbol: stat

Is this my problem or are there still problems linking in the libraries?

I still get this too (not surprising, since the problem comes from
either gnome-pilot or pilot-link, and no new Ximian release of those
have been made available :-)

Richard Bellavance                   COGNICASE inc.
Analyste-programmeur principal       Hébergement, sécurité et réseaux
T.: 514-732-8000 #4153               20, Place du Commerce
F.: 514-732-8021                     Verdun, Qc, H3E 1Z6, CANADA

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