Re: [Evolution] Re: A Catastrophe

On Sat, 2001-11-10 at 16:43, Miles Lane wrote:
On Sat, 2001-11-10 at 12:35, Dan Winship wrote:
Nope.  The current icon in CVS is the illegible one.
Ettore checked it in here:

2001-10-31  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore ximian com>

      * data/ (Icon): evolution.png instead of

I discussed it with Ettore and he said that the marketing
folks and others had had a discussion and the decision was
to go with this hodgepodge icon.  I complained about it,
but Ettore explained that the decision was final for the
launch of 1.0 (he happens to agree that the icon is not so
great).  Oh well.


merckx [~/mp3] <13>sudo cp /usr/share/pixmaps/evolution.png \


C. Michael McCallum         |  "That may be one tough nut to crack,
Associate Professor         |        but I am one determined
Chemistry, UOP              |             little squirrel"
mmccallum uop edu           | (209) 946-2393 | fax (209) 946-2607

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