[Evolution] timing out on failed http requests

First things first...

I've been using evolution for several months now, but I'm new to this
list.  Is there an automated way to search the mailing list's archives
other than file by file, so that I might know whether this issue has
already been addressed?

My question is this.  How does one cancel an http request if an email
has links to external sources that are not responding?  I discovered
that if you right-click on the status bar it provides an option to
"cancel operation", but this does not seem to do anything when I
encounter a bad link in my http based email...the "loading message
content (...)" message just remains.  There does not seem to be any
automatic time-out either.

I receive the digested version of this email list.  If you could CC me
with any responses, I would appreciate it.  Thanks.


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