[Evolution] Suggestion...

I compiled evolution with LDAP support, and that works nice. But when I
compose a mail and want a email from my address book it's the local
addressbook only. I don't know if there is any intuitive way to put ldap
to that part of the gui, so instead I like to have a 'Add to contacts'
entry in the rightclick entry for ldap addresscards. That way I only
have to lookup the people once, add them to my local addressbook and
then I have have name completion in my composer window.


Mattias Eriksson             E-mail: c96men cs umu se 
Tvistevägen 26                       snaggen acc umu se
907 36  UMEA                 Tel:    090-198800
SWEDEN                               070-5636769
'I don't fight for a cause   Hemsida: http://www.acc.umu.se/~snaggen 
I fight for the fight'       PGP: http://www.acc.umu.se/~snaggen/snaggen.asc

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