RE: [Evolution] Download location for .src.rpm ?

That's what I had thought, but there doesn't appear to be any sure
directory tree existing there - does anyone else know where I can
download it ?

Shea Nangle
<nangle infoninja com

On 02 May 2001 11:43:46 -0300, García, Edgardo wrote:<Choose your's>

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Shea Nangle [SMTP:nangle infoninja com]
Enviado el: Martes, 01 de Mayo de 2001 07:37 p.m.
Para:       evolution helixcode com
Asunto:     [Evolution] Download location for .src.rpm ?

I just installed Evolution 0.10 with Red-Carpet, and I'm trying to find
out where I can download a .src.rpm of 0.10, so I can rebuild with Palm
support.  I've checked on the Ximian site and on, but Ximian
doesn't seem to have anything, and only has a tarball of 0.9.
Can someone tell me where I can download 0.10 to rebuild ?

Shea Nangle
<nangle infoninja com>

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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