[Evolution] gtkhtml package

I used RedCarpet to download the latest snapshot of evolution.
RedCarpet bombed on the cryptographic verification, so I had to 'rpm
-Uvh' by hand.  When I did, it told me that gtkhtml conflicted with a
few other files, notably libgtkhtml.so.7 the /usr/bin executables.

I tried to 'rpm -e gtkhtml' and it told me evolution and redcarpet
depended, so I removed those.  Retried 'rpm -e gtkhtml' and it told me
that libgtkhtml.so.7 depended on gtkhtml-*-03160900.rpm.  Now, I find
this really wierd, since gtkhtml.rpm provides libgtkhtml.so.7 and
libgtkhtml.so.7.1.1  So what gives?

Even wierder, I resorted to forcing the the uninstall via 'rpm -e
--nodeps gtkhml' which deinstalled gtkhtml, but didn't remove any of the
programs or libs.  ?????  Not only that, but when I tried 'rpm -Uvh
gtkhtml*rpm' or 'rpm -i gtkhtml*rpm' it -still- complained about
libgtkhtml.so.7 depending on gtkhtml*03160900*rpm (among other
binaries).  I removed the /usr/lib/libgtkhtml.so.7 link, and still
complained.  'rpm -q gtkhtml' said gtkhtml not installed.

So I was forced to install the gtkhtml package with --replacefiles
option, and it then worked.

I hope this is enough info for someone to figure out what's going on.
Is it possible that gtkhtml is creating a self-referential dependency or


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