[Evolution] Feature plea - user defined contact lists

So I'm eally happy with Evolution.  I've been using it for several
months now with nary a problem.  It handles everything I need it to do
just about perfectly.  But...  (you knew that was coming).

There are two things I'd still really like to see:
- Filters on IMAP incoming mail (I know this is supposed to be coming,
        and, frankly, I can wait).

- The ability to define a list of email addresses with one alias or
        name.  Just like netscape allowed you to do with groups (I think,
        it's been ages since I used netscape) or mutt with aliases.  There
        are a couple of groups of people I routinely send mail to, and,
        even with the _way_ cool autocompletion in the current CVS, it
        pains me to have to type them every time.  Would it be possible to
        either allow a contact to have multiple emails (like 5 or so), all
        of which get sent something, or a way to define a group or an
        alias or something.

Everything else I've been waiting for is there, and I don't mind doing
'select all', 'apply filters' for the first one, but the second...

Oh, and is there a way to 'auto-complete' from the keyboard ?  I don't
like mice :).

        Thanks for an excellent program, folks.

        John A.

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