Re: [Evolution] Speed - When?

On 15 Mar 2001 15:02:26 +1030, Not Zed wrote:

What is?

expunging?  expunging should be lots faster.  but are you saying
everything else is too?

It seems I jumped the gun a little. thoug it is still faser at loading
and inexing I guess.

The 3-4 times should be between 1.5 and 2 times faster.  It's dog slow
importing and then I guess indexing.  I guess because the import is said
to be complete in the send and recieve window but nothing happens for
about 1-2 mins then the OK button becomes available.

Speaking of wiche, would it be possible to have an option to not have
the send-recieve window open, I for one prefeered it on the status bar
(thinking thats what a status bar is for).

Any way, expunging has been sped up around the same margin as the import
and index, still I feel to slow considering the specs I have, it's a
PII300 with 96meg ram.  I say it's to slow as I compare it to my windows
machine at work, PII300 with 64meg ram running win2k.  Useing outlook I
can "expunge" mail from a folder in a manner of 2-3 seconds, not 20-30
seconds that I know have...  

Cant comment on the import as we use exchage...  Thinking about it this
could be the problem, it'e really the server deleteing the mail, and
jsut telling outlook top remove it from the list isin't it.

Still, why cant evo do the same?  Why does the whole programme have to
be held u p for an import and expunge, just have the engine do it in the
back ground.  Remove all the expunged mail form the list, delete it for
real, and then if there is a problem, put it back intop the list and pop
up a little message window...  In situations where things go wrong this
is not the ideal (removing then putting back) but how often will thinkgs
go wrong while expunging from a local mail box?  Maybe more often for a
pop or imap but still not that offten I gues...

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