[Evolution] QRT on HTML mail

When replying to HTML mail (or, specifically any mail that has long,
unwrapped lines), Evolution doesn't handle quoted reply text very
nicely.  It seems to stick a '>' widget in front of the line, which
wraps when viewing it, but doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing.  I
rather like the way Mozilla handles quoted reply text.

Anyway, my feeling is that Evolution should format the quoted reply
text, wrapping it at 72 columns for plain text email automatically
before sending.  When I used mutt, I did this with vim (gqap on a quoted
paragraph usually works quite nicely).  For HTML mail, it might suffice
to just have one widget on a long, unwrapped line, but it should render
that in a clear way (a la Mozilla) when viewing the email.

Any thoughts on this?


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