Re: [Evolution] Verifying bugs?

On 06 Mar 2001 12:11:48 -0500, JP Rosevear wrote:
On 04 Mar 2001 15:01:13 -0800, Richard Zach wrote:
Ximians: Do you want (those of) us who file bugs in
to mark them VERIFIED once you RESOLVE them, or do you want to do that
yourselves, or do you not care?

That would be great.

Ok, then I'll just be waiting for new snapshots (hint! hint!).

[For those not familiar with Bugzilla:  You can file Evolution bugs at  A Ximian engineer will eventually resolve
the bug, either because it's been already reported (RESOLVED DUPLICATE),
it's not reproducible (RESOLVED WORKSFORME), is not a bug after all
(RESOLVED INVALID), or it's fixed (RESOLVED FIXED).  You can then check
that the bug is in fact a duplicate of an earlier bug, or maybe it was a
fluke and you yourself can't reproduce it anymore, or verify that it's
been fixed, and change the Resolution field to VERIFIED, noting which
build (if any) you've tested it on.]


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