[Evolution] GPG doesn't work

I've noticed that GPG doesn't sign messages at all. 
Evo: 0.10 Tazmanian Whatever
GPG: gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.6

Path to gpg is correctly set. I've checked Sign With PGP but you won't
receive it signed.

Juan Alonso Hernández <jah nekkar es>

(34) 915 239 681

Security Team
Heyde España

 Signature: www.dharana.net/dharana.asc
 Fingerprint:   408A 70EF 1457 5BC4 CCB1 6324 640E 6F32 B50B 4E68

Attachment: pgpFnv1PvlBC_.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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