Re: [Evolution] Evolution problem.

Yes I have seen this problem try this


as root

killall oafd

rm -rf /tmp/orbit*

then logout and log not restart Xwindows (that seems to cause
additional slowdowns)

On 11 Jul 2001 00:56:11 +0800, Justin Rebelo wrote:
Hi, I just installed Evolution again. It has been quite a while since I
have run X, so I am glad to be back. Everything worked fine for a couple
days, and then it got whacky-like. Now, when I run evolution, it takes
about 30-40 seconds to load up, when it used to take about 4 or 5
seconds. Anybody seen this problem or know what I can do to mend it??

Thanks in advance.


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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