Re: [Evolution] libbonobo-conf0


There was a reply, of one debian user that used alien to convert the libbonobo-cof0 rpm package to a deb.  
This did satisfy dependencies.  RC worked as it should and I got the latest snapshot.  Problem is ... 

Things got worse.

Now evo won't even start, I get an evolution shell warning:

evolution-shell-WARNING **: CORBA exception IDL:CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0 when requesting URI -- 

and Evo bombs.  I've done a gdb session with both evolution and evolution-mail but evolution exits normally 
:P, and evo-mail just sits there.  I think somethings wrong with the corba. *shrug* I don't know.  But now 
I've set up mutt with fetchmail so I can atleast GET my mail.  So I would suggest holding off until things 
are better.  I could work with evo before I got the snapshot.  I just had to use mutt to send messages. Now 
I'm pretty SOL.


On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 07:20:17AM -0700, Randolph Kahle wrote:

I am having this problem also. I cannot get a newer version because
RedCarpet says there is an unresolved dependency on this file.

I am running Debian 2.2r3.

Did you figure this out?

Anyone else?

Thanks -- Randy

On 06 Jul 2001 09:26:31 -0400, Keith Geffert wrote:
Hi all,

Been having a "can't create composer window" for the past two snaps via red-carpet.  I'm stuck on 0.10.99 
right now.  Before that things were pretty good.  Now RC is complaining it can't find libbonobo-conf0 to 
meet dependencies.  Since the red-carpet directories have indexing turned off I can't tell if its there 
or not.  I'm using debian 2.2.  I use apt-get to update ximian gnome and RC to get evo.

Here's my apt line:
deb stable main



evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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